Rolfing / Structural Integration (USA)

  1. Guild for Structural Integration, Basic Training Program with Peter Melchior
  2. Guild for Structural Integration, Advanced Training Program with Emmett Hutchins
  3. Rolf Institute, Working with Scoliosis with Dr. Robert Schleip
  4. Rolf Institute, Neuro-Fascial Dynamics in Structural Integration with Dr. Robert Schleip
  5. Rolf Institute, Spinal Rotations and Scoliosis with Jan Sultan & Michael Salveson
  6. Rolf Institute, The 4 Core Sessions of Dr. Rolf ’s Recipe with Jan Sultan
  7. Kinesis Myofascial Integration – Advanced Training Clinical Practicum with Tom Myers
  8. Movement Enhanced Rolfing with Dr. Louis Schultz
  9. The Neurology of Posture with Dr. Don Hazen
  10. The Art of Rolfing with Sharon Wheeler-Hancoff
  11. Rolfing Movement with Monica Caspari
  12. Advanced Myofascial Techniques , Spine and Lower Back
  13. Rolfing Mentorship with Edward Maupin
  14. Somanautics, Intensive Human Dissection together with Todd &Tom Myers

The terms, Rolfing®, Rolf Movement® and Rolfer™, are service marks of the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration.

Manual Therapy

  1. NAIOMT, The Pelvic Girdle with Diane Lee (USA)
  2. Manual Therapy Seminars of Colorado Certification (USA)
  3. Diploma in Cyriax Orthopaedic Medicine (Global Cyriax Institute)
  4. Mobilisation of the Nervous System with NOI
  5. Clinical Neurodynamics Education – Upper and Lower Quarter with Michael Shacklock (USA)
  6. Mulligan Technique – Lower and Upper Quadrant
  7. Touch for Health Synthesis Level  1-4 in Byron Bay, Australia,  International Kinesiology College
  8. St John Neuromuscular Therapy Certification (NMT  1-5 ), USA
  9. St John Neuromuscular Therapy , NMT 7 – Visceral Massage (USA)
  10. St John Neuromuscular Therapy , NMT 8 – Cervical Stabilization & Atlas-Axis Mobilization (USA)
  11. Onsen Technique Therapist Certification, Canada
  12. Kinesio Taping KT1, KT2 & KT3 (USA)
  13. Functional Fascial Taping with Ron Alexander
  14. DNS ‘A’ Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation according to Kolar
  15. DNS ‘B’ Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation according to Kolar
  16. DNS ‘C’ Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation according to Kolar
  17. FMS certified (Functional Movement Screening)
  18. SFMA Certification
  19. Rocktape Seminar, Singapore


  1. Diplomate in Osteopathy (Canada)
  2. Barral Institute, Neural Manipulation 1 – An Integrative Approach to Trauma
  3. Barral Institute, Neural Manipulation 2 – Peripheral Nerve Manipulation, Upper Body
  4. Upledger Institute, Visceral Manipulation IA (USA)
  5. Upledger Institute, Visceral Manipulation IB (USA)
  6. Upledger Institute, Visceral Manipulation II (USA)
  7. Upledger Institute, Listening Techniques (USA)
  8. IAHE – Visceral Manipulation, The Thorax (USA)
  9. IAHE – Introduction to VisceroEmotional (USA)
  10. Upledger Institute, Craniosacral Therapy Level  1 (USA)
  11. Upledger Institute, Craniosacral Therapy Level  2  (USA)
  12. Osteopathic Manipulative Techniques with Prof. Laurie Hartman – Cervical Spine, Cervico-Thoracic, Upper Extremity, Thoracic and Ribs, Lumbar Spine, SI Joints, Pelvis and Lower Extremity (UK)
  13. Visceral Manipulation Mentorship with Jeffrey Burch (USA)
  14. Barral Institute, Neural Manipulation 3 – Peripheral Nerve Manipulation, Lower Body
  15. Barral Institute, Neural Manipulation 4 – Brain and Cranial Nerve Manipulation

Teaching Experience

  1. Anatomy Trains – assisting Tom Myers in Hong Kong Dec 2010
  2. Anatomy Trains – assisting Tom Myers in Hong Kong Dec 2011
  3. Visceral Manipulation with Barral Institute – Assistant to Instructor
  4. Fascial Manipulation of the Upper Matrix in Manila, Philippines – Teaching Instructor
  5. Fascial Manipulation of the Lower Matrix in Manila, Philippines – Teaching Instructor
  6. Tai Chi Instructor – Teaching in the Clinic, ongoing
  7. Fascial Release series – Pelvis assisting Tom Myers in Hong Kong Sept 2013
  8. Visceral Manipulation with Barral Institute, Assistant to Instructors in VM 1-4

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